Donoghue Forlines Blended Portfolio Strategies
Donoghue Forlines Blended Portfolios are diversified investment strategies that employ a combination of strategic asset allocation and technical analysis. The blended portfolios converge fundamental global factor investing, strategic Beta, and tactical technical management in one portfolio through employing fundamental and rules-based disciplines.
Additionally, the blends employ defensive signals and global macro approaches. They primarily seek income and growth from investment assets, and are designed to preserve capital during periods of market weakness.
DF Income
- Blended global multi-asset Income strategy comprised of “Fundamental” and “Rules-Based” tactical solutions seeking high income with a focus on downside protection
- We focus on fundamental and technical analysis consisting of multiple time periods trends
- We review risk, positions, and opportunities daily
DF Dividend & Yield
- Blended global multi-asset dividend and yield strategy comprised of “Fundamental” and “Rules-Based” Tactical solutions seeking high income and growth with a focus on downside protection
- We focus on fundamental and technical analysis consisting of multiple time period trends
- We review risk, positions, and opportunities daily
DF Growth & Income
- Blended global multi-asset strategy comprised of “Fundamental” and “Rules-Based” Tactical solutions seeking growth and income with a focus on downside protection
- We focus on fundamental and technical analysis consisting of multiple time period trends
- We review risk, positions, and opportunities daily