Donoghue Forlines Thematic Portfolios
Thematic investing is a form of investment which aims to identify macro-level trends, and the underlying investments that stand to benefit from the materialization of those trends. Though similar to sector investing, thematic strategies tend to cover a variety of sectors and pick companies within these sectors that are relevant to the theme. Thematic investing involves creating a portfolio (or portion of a portfolio) by gathering together a collection of companies involved in certain areas that one predicts will generate above-market returns over the long term. In thematic investing, usually fewer stocks are selected for the portfolio, more focused on a key area. If that area performs well, returns potentially can be much higher than what broader investment solutions might typically deliver.
DF Innovation ETF
The Donoghue Forlines Innovation Strategy seeks to track investment results of FCF Quality Innovation Index that provides exposure to U.S. publicly traded companies with strong free cash flow and strong research and development (“R&D”) investment.
DF Yield Enhanced Real Asset ETF
The Donoghue Forlines Yield Enhanced Real Asset ETF (the “Fund”) seeks to provide investment results that closely correspond, before fees and expenses, to the performance of the FCF Yield Enhanced Real Asset Index (the “Underlying Index”).
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